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12:00 am 5:30 am

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Thursday Trans Night

12:00 am 5:30 am

Ministry of Environment starts Muziizi wetland restoration in Kibaale district

Written by on 11/04/2024


Over 300 people from 5 villages in two sub counties are among those affected as the Ministry of Water and Environment started to restore at least 50 hectares of Muzizi wetland in Kibaale district, yesterday.

With the help of security authorities, the enforcement officials started destroying garden crops planted illegally along the boundaries of Muzizi wetland.

About 180 people have been affected from villages of Katebe, Muziizi, Kicungiro all in Karama sub county whereas about 120 people from Kasonge and Bwemadi in Bubango Sub County have been affected after garden crops such as bananas, sugar canes, coco yams, beans and trees among others were cut down yesterday.

Kevin Apio, the Regional Co-coordinator in Charge of Wetlands from the Ministry says, after sensitizing the affected individuals, the ministry demarcated at least 15.2Km of river Muzizi wetland and granted them a grace period of 5 months for the locals to harvest their garden crops and vacate in vein, until they surpassed the deadline of 8th this month.

Charles Kaahwa, the Kibaale district Senior Environment Officer, wants the ministry officials to maintain follow ups on such enforcements to prevent reinvasion of the wetland and also tackle other affected ones.

Some of the affected people have welcomed the restoration campaign though they have suffered losses of their crops that have been destroyed.

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